Monday, March 7, 2011

Upgrading to rails3 - request_routing plugin issue

We are working on upgrade some application from rails 2.3.4 to rails 3.0.4 and we want to share with you some thoughts and solutions.

The first solution we want to show you is particulary useful if you are working on app you didn't create or you did it years ago and you have no idea why ;)

If you see error similar to that when you are running your app:

.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p334/gems/actionpack-3.0.4/lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:298:in `initialize': wrong number of arguments (7 for 2) (ArgumentError)
that means your app has installed request_routing plugin. Is there version for rails3? Probably not, but solution is simple! You don't need this plugin in rails3 so you can just remove it to solve this problem.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Simple Ads Server - Reactivation

We had kick off meeting for our second educational open source project on monday. It is called Simple Ads Server and it is secound try to run it. The first impression is awesome. Guys are really great.

There is still place for one young developer who wants learn rails3 and get some real experience in industry.

You can follow project on:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Simple News Aggregation is ready

We are full of proud because we can announce that our open source project called Simple News Agreggation was finished. Big thanks for young polish developer involved in project - Jakub Gorzelak. Well done, Jakub.

You can find this project on github

It is not deployed anywhere because it was just a learning project.

We are preparing to start new open source learning project now. More details soon.